Inclusive Intelligence

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Inclusive intelligence (or Inclusive IQ) is a person’s ability to consistently and successfully incorporate others into their group. It is based on the idea that when inclusive behaviors are repeated and reinforced in an organization, the culture becomes increasingly inclusive, and employees are engaged. We will teach you how to build habits that are fair, open, cooperative, supportive, and empowering. You will learn essential skills for building a foundation for organizational and personal Inclusive Intelligence.

Learning Objectives »

  • Understand the basic elements of Inclusive IQ.
  • Foster a deeper framework for habit formation.
  • Explore the Inclusive mindset model.
  • Examine why we resist seeking and including diverse and contrasting perspectives.
  • Apply Inclusive IQ to transform behavior.
  • Utilize strategies to think for maximum impact.
  • Build organizational synergy using Inclusive IQ.

Course Agenda

Understanding Inclusive IQ

  1. Understanding the Inclusive Quotient.
  2. Why We Resist Inclusion
  3. Inclusive IQ Model
  4. Cultural Competencies
  5. Habits of Inclusion

Applying Inclusive IQ

  1. Developing Inclusive Habits
  2. Transforming Behavior
  3. Inclusive Thinking
  4. Increasing Team Inclusive Intelligence
  5. Creating Inclusive Synergy
Business woman smiling passionately with building in the background - Inclusive Intelligence - Fundamental Leadership Series

Inclusive Intelligence

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Inclusive intelligence (or Inclusive IQ) is a person’s ability to consistently and successfully incorporate others into their group. It is based on the idea that when inclusive behaviors are repeated and reinforced in an organization, the culture becomes increasingly inclusive, and employees are engaged. We will teach you how to build habits that are fair, open, cooperative, supportive, and empowering. You will learn essential skills for building a foundation for organizational and personal Inclusive Intelligence.

Learning Objectives »

  • Understand the basic elements of Inclusive IQ.
  • Foster a deeper framework for habit formation.
  • Explore the Inclusive mindset model.
  • Examine why we resist seeking and including diverse and contrasting perspectives.
  • Apply Inclusive IQ to transform behavior.
  • Utilize strategies to think for maximum impact.
  • Build organizational synergy using Inclusive IQ.

Course Agenda

Understanding Inclusive IQ

  1. Understanding the Inclusive Quotient.
  2. Why We Resist Inclusion
  3. Inclusive IQ Model
  4. Cultural Competencies
  5. Habits of Inclusion

Applying Inclusive IQ

  1. Developing Inclusive Habits
  2. Transforming Behavior
  3. Inclusive Thinking
  4. Increasing Team Inclusive Intelligence
  5. Creating Inclusive Synergy