Building Loyalty Through Needs Analysis

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Needs analysis is the process of questioning, listening, and summarizing to uncover specific issues, problems, and concerns of your customers. By understanding exactly what your customers need, you can better determine what products address those needs and what recommendations you can make that best help your customers. This interactive 4-hour workshop will teach you the ins and outs of needs analysis. You’ll learn and apply specific techniques to get your customers to open. You’ll know what is right for your customers, which builds trust and develops customer loyalty.

Learning Objectives »

  • Apply effective needs analysis tools
  • Use tactical questions to identify customer concerns
  • Learn to actively listen to your customer
  • Successfully summarize for clarity and understanding
  • Develop long-term customers that will look to you time and again

Course Agenda

First Steps to Building Loyalty

  1. Understanding Your Customer
  2. Building Rapport

Needs Analysis Process

  1. Principles of Needs Analysis
  2. Asking Questions
  3. Active Listening
  4. Diagnosing the “Pain”
  5. Summarizing

Building Loyalty for the Long-Term

  1. Building Trust
  2. Tactical Problem Solving
  3. Positive Persuasion
  4. Active Follow Up
  5. Developing Customer Loyalty
CEO manager congratulating successful worker after meeting with staff, two men shaking hands - Building Loyalty Through Needs Analysis - Negotiation Skills for Business (and Life)

Building Loyalty Through Needs Analysis

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Needs analysis is the process of questioning, listening, and summarizing to uncover specific issues, problems, and concerns of your customers. By understanding exactly what your customers need, you can better determine what products address those needs and what recommendations you can make that best help your customers. This interactive 4-hour workshop will teach you the ins and outs of needs analysis. You’ll learn and apply specific techniques to get your customers to open. You’ll know what is right for your customers, which builds trust and develops customer loyalty.

Learning Objectives »

  • Apply effective needs analysis tools
  • Use tactical questions to identify customer concerns
  • Learn to actively listen to your customer
  • Successfully summarize for clarity and understanding
  • Develop long-term customers that will look to you time and again

Course Agenda

First Steps to Building Loyalty

  1. Understanding Your Customer
  2. Building Rapport

Needs Analysis Process

  1. Principles of Needs Analysis
  2. Asking Questions
  3. Active Listening
  4. Diagnosing the “Pain”
  5. Summarizing

Building Loyalty for the Long-Term

  1. Building Trust
  2. Tactical Problem Solving
  3. Positive Persuasion
  4. Active Follow Up
  5. Developing Customer Loyalty