Delivering Virtual Presentations

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Giving a virtual presentation can be an intimidating prospect, and the use of technology for delivery can be complex and daunting. We will teach you skills and techniques required in the planning, preparation, and delivery of effective presentations in a virtual environment. You will learn to actively engage your participants and practice effective use of your voice to compensate for lack of body language.

Learning Objectives »

  • Establish a positive climate in a virtual environment
  • Deploy strategies for engaging a virtual audience
  • Delivery of dynamic virtual presentations
  • Learn to simultaneously present and build rapport while using a technology platform
  • Apply techniques for platforms such as Zoom and GoToMeeting

Course Agenda

Preparing Your Presentation

  1. Advantages of Presenting Virtually
  2. Challenges of Presenting Virtually
  3. Pre-Presentation Preparation
  4. Virtual Presentation Planning Model
  5. Knowing Your Audience
  6. Knowing the Platform
  7. Knowing Your Limitations
  8. New Model of Education
  9. Defining Objectives
  10. Organizing Your Presentation

Delivering a Virtual Presentation

  1. Optimizing Your Delivery Style
  2. Learning Modalities
  3. Virtual Nonverbals
  4. Voice Inflection
  5. The First 5 Minutes
  6. Critical Components of a Virtual Opening
  7. Modifying for a Virtual Medium
  8. Commanding Conclusions
  9. Guidelines for Visual Aids
  10. Platform Settings and Troubleshooting

Working the Audience

  1. Setting Expectations
  2. Timing
  3. Engaging Ideas
  4. Elements of Personal Style
  5. Handling Q&A
  6. Friends or Foes
  7. Wrap it Up Like a Pro
Group of business persons having a video conference - proximity bias - Delivering Virtual Presentations

Delivering Virtual Presentations

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Giving a virtual presentation can be an intimidating prospect, and the use of technology for delivery can be complex and daunting. We will teach you skills and techniques required in the planning, preparation, and delivery of effective presentations in a virtual environment. You will learn to actively engage your participants and practice effective use of your voice to compensate for lack of body language.

Learning Objectives »

  • Establish a positive climate in a virtual environment
  • Deploy strategies for engaging a virtual audience
  • Delivery of dynamic virtual presentations
  • Learn to simultaneously present and build rapport while using a technology platform
  • Apply techniques for platforms such as Zoom and GoToMeeting

Course Agenda

Preparing Your Presentation

  1. Advantages of Presenting Virtually
  2. Challenges of Presenting Virtually
  3. Pre-Presentation Preparation
  4. Virtual Presentation Planning Model
  5. Knowing Your Audience
  6. Knowing the Platform
  7. Knowing Your Limitations
  8. New Model of Education
  9. Defining Objectives
  10. Organizing Your Presentation

Delivering a Virtual Presentation

  1. Optimizing Your Delivery Style
  2. Learning Modalities
  3. Virtual Nonverbals
  4. Voice Inflection
  5. The First 5 Minutes
  6. Critical Components of a Virtual Opening
  7. Modifying for a Virtual Medium
  8. Commanding Conclusions
  9. Guidelines for Visual Aids
  10. Platform Settings and Troubleshooting

Working the Audience

  1. Setting Expectations
  2. Timing
  3. Engaging Ideas
  4. Elements of Personal Style
  5. Handling Q&A
  6. Friends or Foes
  7. Wrap it Up Like a Pro