Delivering Live and Virtual Presentations

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./day, 2 Days  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./day, 2 Days

This interactive course teaches the skills of preparing and delivering dynamic live and virtual presentations. Using proven and practical tools, you will learn to grab your audience’s attention, keep them on the edge of their seats, and motivate them to action. Whether you are giving a 10-minute presentation, 1-hour lecture, or 6-hour training class, you will master the methods of presenting with authority and enthusiasm.

Learning Objectives »

  • Create exciting and motivating presentations.
  • Deliver dynamic and energetic performances.
  • Deploy strategies for engaging a virtual audience.
  • Develop rapport and credibility.
  • Persuade others and get results.
  • Handle difficult audiences and situations.
  • Motivate audiences to action.
  • Learn to simultaneously present and build rapport while using a technology platform.

Course Agenda

Preparing your Presentation

  1. Presentation Planning Model
  2. Knowing Your Audience
  3. Defining Objectives
  4. Organizing Your Presentation
  5. New Model of Education
  6. Distinctive Openings
  7. Delivery Formulas
  8. Memorable Conclusions

Virtual Presentations

  1. Advantages and Challenges
  2. Equipment, Tools, and Technology
  3. Visuals, Sounds, and Handouts
  4. Engaging Virtual Audiences
  5. Modifying for a Virtual Medium

Dynamic Delivery

  1. Delivery Style
  2. The First Five Minutes
  3. Learning Modalities
  4. Appearance Counts
  5. Body Language
  6. Voice Vitality
  7. Using Humor
  8. Storytelling
  9. Visual Aids
  10. PowerPoint Presentations
  11. Troubleshooting

Working the Audience

  1. Setting Expectations
  2. Timing
  3. Creating an Engaging Environment
  4. Building Rapport
  5. Handling Q&A
  6. Friends or Foes?
  7. Turning Trouble-Makers Around
  8. Wrapping it Up Like a Pro
Statistical Analysis

Delivering Live and Virtual Presentations

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./day, 2 Days  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./day, 2 Days

This interactive course teaches the skills of preparing and delivering dynamic live and virtual presentations. Using proven and practical tools, you will learn to grab your audience’s attention, keep them on the edge of their seats, and motivate them to action. Whether you are giving a 10-minute presentation, 1-hour lecture, or 6-hour training class, you will master the methods of presenting with authority and enthusiasm.

Learning Objectives »

  • Create exciting and motivating presentations.
  • Deliver dynamic and energetic performances.
  • Deploy strategies for engaging a virtual audience.
  • Develop rapport and credibility.
  • Persuade others and get results.
  • Handle difficult audiences and situations.
  • Motivate audiences to action.
  • Learn to simultaneously present and build rapport while using a technology platform.

Course Agenda

Preparing your Presentation

  1. Presentation Planning Model
  2. Knowing Your Audience
  3. Defining Objectives
  4. Organizing Your Presentation
  5. New Model of Education
  6. Distinctive Openings
  7. Delivery Formulas
  8. Memorable Conclusions

Virtual Presentations

  1. Advantages and Challenges
  2. Equipment, Tools, and Technology
  3. Visuals, Sounds, and Handouts
  4. Engaging Virtual Audiences
  5. Modifying for a Virtual Medium

Dynamic Delivery

  1. Delivery Style
  2. The First Five Minutes
  3. Learning Modalities
  4. Appearance Counts
  5. Body Language
  6. Voice Vitality
  7. Using Humor
  8. Storytelling
  9. Visual Aids
  10. PowerPoint Presentations
  11. Troubleshooting

Working the Audience

  1. Setting Expectations
  2. Timing
  3. Creating an Engaging Environment
  4. Building Rapport
  5. Handling Q&A
  6. Friends or Foes?
  7. Turning Trouble-Makers Around
  8. Wrapping it Up Like a Pro