Developing Political Savvy

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Political savvy is the ability to exhibit confidence and professional diplomacy while effectively relating to people at all levels. We will teach you how to identify the internal and external politics that impact your work and how to act accordingly. You will learn to understand, recognize, and demonstrate political behavior in order to achieve desired results.

Learning Objectives »

  • Explore characteristics of politically savvy leaders.
  • Analyze political situations and context.
  • Identify influencers and stakeholders.
  • Understand organizational culture.
  • Identify skills of politically savvy leaders.
  • Utilize organizational networks.
  • Read situations and apply appropriate behavior.
  • Create win-win situations and leave good impressions.

Course Agenda

Understanding Political Savvy

  1. Characteristics of Politically Skilled Leaders
  2. Analyzing the Situation or Context
  3. Influence
  4. Stakeholders
  5. Organizational Culture
  6. Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture

Applying Political Savvy

  1. Politically Savvy Leaders
  2. Political Savvy Skills
  3. Political Savvy Assessment
  4. Mingle Strategically
  5. Map Your Network
  6. Building your Map
  7. Reading the Situation
  8. Appropriate Behavior
  9. Win-Win Outcomes
  10. Good Impressions
Shot of a group of businesspeople having a meeting in the boardroom - polarity thinking in the workplace

Developing Political Savvy

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Political savvy is the ability to exhibit confidence and professional diplomacy while effectively relating to people at all levels. We will teach you how to identify the internal and external politics that impact your work and how to act accordingly. You will learn to understand, recognize, and demonstrate political behavior in order to achieve desired results.

Learning Objectives »

  • Explore characteristics of politically savvy leaders.
  • Analyze political situations and context.
  • Identify influencers and stakeholders.
  • Understand organizational culture.
  • Identify skills of politically savvy leaders.
  • Utilize organizational networks.
  • Read situations and apply appropriate behavior.
  • Create win-win situations and leave good impressions.

Course Agenda

Understanding Political Savvy

  1. Characteristics of Politically Skilled Leaders
  2. Analyzing the Situation or Context
  3. Influence
  4. Stakeholders
  5. Organizational Culture
  6. Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture

Applying Political Savvy

  1. Politically Savvy Leaders
  2. Political Savvy Skills
  3. Political Savvy Assessment
  4. Mingle Strategically
  5. Map Your Network
  6. Building your Map
  7. Reading the Situation
  8. Appropriate Behavior
  9. Win-Win Outcomes
  10. Good Impressions