Win-Win Solutions for Daily Conflict

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

The Win-Win Solutions for Daily Conflict is a highly energetic course that teaches you the power of compromise, the art of communication, and the strength of synergy. You’ll learn how to handle anger and confrontation, strengthen relationships, and effectively navigate minor disputes as well as highly charged arguments. You’ll see a difference immediately, and your workplace will be happier, more enthusiastic, and more positive.

Learning Objectives »

  • Assess your conflict style
  • Understand differences in others and how to respond to them
  • Use a proactive approach to preventing conflict
  • Manage emotions for positive outcomes
  • Defuse anger and avoid confrontation
  • Create a positive work environment and develop a professional code

Course Agenda

Understanding Conflict

  1. Sources of Conflict
  2. Behavior Patterns of Conflict
  3. It Starts with You
  4. Johari Window
  5. Perception Check
  6. Conflict Styles
  7. Preventive Measures

Working Through Conflict

  1. FAST Preparation
  2. Techniques for Handling Conflict
  3. Principled Approach to Cooperation
  4. Responding to Criticism
  5. “I” Language
  6. Empathy
  7. Dealing with Difficult People
  8. Defusing Anger
  9. Directional Dialogue

Working Through Conflict

  1. Building Consensus
  2. Developing a Professional Code
Employees in the office trusting and smiling with each other - Assertiveness Skills at Work - Win-Win Solutions for Daily Conflict

Win-Win Solutions for Daily Conflict

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

The Win-Win Solutions for Daily Conflict is a highly energetic course that teaches you the power of compromise, the art of communication, and the strength of synergy. You’ll learn how to handle anger and confrontation, strengthen relationships, and effectively navigate minor disputes as well as highly charged arguments. You’ll see a difference immediately, and your workplace will be happier, more enthusiastic, and more positive.

Learning Objectives »

  • Assess your conflict style
  • Understand differences in others and how to respond to them
  • Use a proactive approach to preventing conflict
  • Manage emotions for positive outcomes
  • Defuse anger and avoid confrontation
  • Create a positive work environment and develop a professional code

Course Agenda

Understanding Conflict

  1. Sources of Conflict
  2. Behavior Patterns of Conflict
  3. It Starts with You
  4. Johari Window
  5. Perception Check
  6. Conflict Styles
  7. Preventive Measures

Working Through Conflict

  1. FAST Preparation
  2. Techniques for Handling Conflict
  3. Principled Approach to Cooperation
  4. Responding to Criticism
  5. “I” Language
  6. Empathy
  7. Dealing with Difficult People
  8. Defusing Anger
  9. Directional Dialogue

Working Through Conflict

  1. Building Consensus
  2. Developing a Professional Code
Green chat box square with arrows promotion of free PTR webinar training workplace.