Self-Confidence Building

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Self-confidence can help you meet your professional goals and fulfill your potential in life. This training course teaches adults what self-confidence is, why it is important, and what affects self-esteem. You will learn strategies and ideas to build self-confidence and develop self-belief.

Learning Objectives »

  • Understand self-confidence and why it is important.
  • Identify the things that affect self-confidence.
  • Apply strategies to build your self-confidence.
  • Set goals to build self-confidence.
  • Develop a goal-setting strategy.

Course Agenda

What is Self-Confidence?

  1. Confident People You Know
  2. Characteristics of Confident People
  3. Definitions
  4. The Confidence Tree
  5. Importance of Confidence in Your Life
  6. Confidence Chain Effect

Building Self-Confidence

  1. Building on Achievements
  2. Focusing on Positivity
  3. Social Support
  4. Body Language and Physicality

Setting Self-Confidence Goals

  1. Why Is Goal Setting Useful?
  2. Effective Goal Setting
  3. Creating a Confidence Plan
  4. Confidence Goals and Action Plan
  5. Types of Goals
  6. Breaking Down Goals and List of Tasks
  7. Words to Help You Reach Your Goals
  8. Role Models
Cropped shot of a group of colleagues working together on a laptop in a modern office - self-confidence building - Leadership Communication

Self-Confidence Building

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Self-confidence can help you meet your professional goals and fulfill your potential in life. This training course teaches adults what self-confidence is, why it is important, and what affects self-esteem. You will learn strategies and ideas to build self-confidence and develop self-belief.

Learning Objectives »

  • Understand self-confidence and why it is important.
  • Identify the things that affect self-confidence.
  • Apply strategies to build your self-confidence.
  • Set goals to build self-confidence.
  • Develop a goal-setting strategy.

Course Agenda

What is Self-Confidence?

  1. Confident People You Know
  2. Characteristics of Confident People
  3. Definitions
  4. The Confidence Tree
  5. Importance of Confidence in Your Life
  6. Confidence Chain Effect

Building Self-Confidence

  1. Building on Achievements
  2. Focusing on Positivity
  3. Social Support
  4. Body Language and Physicality

Setting Self-Confidence Goals

  1. Why Is Goal Setting Useful?
  2. Effective Goal Setting
  3. Creating a Confidence Plan
  4. Confidence Goals and Action Plan
  5. Types of Goals
  6. Breaking Down Goals and List of Tasks
  7. Words to Help You Reach Your Goals
  8. Role Models