Virtual and Remote Team Building

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Virtual teams are more prevalent today than they have ever been. And the challenges of working with remote team members have never been more difficult. This interactive program teaches your virtual or remote team to act as one while maintaining individual accomplishments and fostering a sense of cohesiveness.

Learning Objectives »

  • Compare virtual and remote teams
  • Review the phases of team growth and apply them
    to a virtual environment
  • Apply best practices for building and maintaining
    trust in a virtual team environment
  • Develop a code of conduct
  • Avoid and overcome common obstacles
  • Identify communication and technology tools

Course Agenda

Team Fundamentals

  1. Defining Team
  2. Virtual and Remote Teams
  3. Phases of Team Building
  4. Team Roles
  5. Characteristics of High-Performance
  6. Virtual Communication
  7. Success Habits for Virtual Teams

Maximizing Virtual Team Dynamics

  1. What Everyone Wants
  2. Virtual Team Values
  3. Mission Statements
  4. Developing a Virtual Team Mission
  5. Authentic Communication
  6. Commonality
  7. Guidelines for Building Trust
  8. Effecting Change
  9. Conflict Resolution
  10. Leading Without Authority
  11. Leading Peers
  12. Roadblocks to Team Performance
  13. Code of Conduct
Group of business persons having a video conference - Virtual and Remote Team Building

Virtual and Remote Team Building

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

Virtual teams are more prevalent today than they have ever been. And the challenges of working with remote team members have never been more difficult. This interactive program teaches your virtual or remote team to act as one while maintaining individual accomplishments and fostering a sense of cohesiveness.

Learning Objectives »

  • Compare virtual and remote teams
  • Review the phases of team growth and apply them
    to a virtual environment
  • Apply best practices for building and maintaining
    trust in a virtual team environment
  • Develop a code of conduct
  • Avoid and overcome common obstacles
  • Identify communication and technology tools

Course Agenda

Team Fundamentals

  1. Defining Team
  2. Virtual and Remote Teams
  3. Phases of Team Building
  4. Team Roles
  5. Characteristics of High-Performance
  6. Virtual Communication
  7. Success Habits for Virtual Teams

Maximizing Virtual Team Dynamics

  1. What Everyone Wants
  2. Virtual Team Values
  3. Mission Statements
  4. Developing a Virtual Team Mission
  5. Authentic Communication
  6. Commonality
  7. Guidelines for Building Trust
  8. Effecting Change
  9. Conflict Resolution
  10. Leading Without Authority
  11. Leading Peers
  12. Roadblocks to Team Performance
  13. Code of Conduct