The purpose of this course is to provide participants with the tools to improve their chances of gaining federal employment by preparing results-oriented resumes and communicating skills that “sell” themselves when applying for Federal jobs.
Learning Objectives »
- Write a strong federal resume.
- Build confidence in articulating job accomplishments and reasons for hire.
- Learn what is required to apply for federal jobs.
- Practice writing OPM Standards and KSAs.
Course Agenda
Staying Marketable and In Demand
- Creating Demand
- Staying Marketable
- Tracking Career Accomplishments
- Turning Frustrations into Motivators
- Using LinkedIn to Help You Find a Job
Applying for Federal Jobs
- Applying Through USAJOBS
- Qualification Standards
- Occupational Questionnaire
- Federal Resume Requirements
- Federal Resume Outline
- Tailoring a Resume to the Announcement
- Cover Letters
- KSAs
- Submitting the Application
Interviewing for Federal Jobs
- Types of Federal Job Interviews
- Preparing for a Federal Job Interview
- Interview Questions
- Interview Suggestions
- Interview Skill Practice
- OPM Qualification Standards
- Writing KSAs