Cultural Intelligence for Leaders

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

In this course, we will teach you a leadership approach to cultural intelligence and different methods for improving your team’s cultural intelligence. You will explore how cultural intelligence can positively affect performance, effectiveness, and success in a multicultural and global environment.

Learning Objectives »

  • Compare your cultural values with other groups.
  • Engage your interest, drive, and confidence in adapting to diversity and multicultural situations from a leadership standpoint.
  • Understand how cultures are similar and different.
  • Plan for multicultural interactions within your team.
  • Adapt to diverse contexts.
  • Identify strategies for developing your team’s CQ.

Course Agenda

Understanding CQ

  1. The Nature and Origin of Cultural Bias
  2. Aspects of Leadership CQ
  3. Benefits of Leading with CQ
  4. Components of CQ
  5. CQ Competencies
  6. Steps to becoming Color Brave
  7. Contact Hypothesis
  8. Cultural Intelligence in a 4-Step Process
  9. How to Improve Yourself
  10. Unconscious Bias in Leadership
  11. Overcoming Stereotypes

Leading Others to High CQ

  1. What is Culture?
  2. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
  3. Principles of Culture
  4. Developing a CQ Development Plan
  5. Best Practices to Lead with CQ
  6. Components of a High CQ Culture
  7. Creating a Culture of Inclusion
Businesswoman on the computer during a virtual meeting with peers

Cultural Intelligence for Leaders

Formats ⟩  Live Virtual: 4 hrs./1 Day  |  In-Person: 6 hrs./1 Day

In this course, we will teach you a leadership approach to cultural intelligence and different methods for improving your team’s cultural intelligence. You will explore how cultural intelligence can positively affect performance, effectiveness, and success in a multicultural and global environment.

Learning Objectives »

  • Compare your cultural values with other groups.
  • Engage your interest, drive, and confidence in adapting to diversity and multicultural situations from a leadership standpoint.
  • Understand how cultures are similar and different.
  • Plan for multicultural interactions within your team.
  • Adapt to diverse contexts.
  • Identify strategies for developing your team’s CQ.

Course Agenda

Understanding CQ

  1. The Nature and Origin of Cultural Bias
  2. Aspects of Leadership CQ
  3. Benefits of Leading with CQ
  4. Components of CQ
  5. CQ Competencies
  6. Steps to becoming Color Brave
  7. Contact Hypothesis
  8. Cultural Intelligence in a 4-Step Process
  9. How to Improve Yourself
  10. Unconscious Bias in Leadership
  11. Overcoming Stereotypes

Leading Others to High CQ

  1. What is Culture?
  2. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
  3. Principles of Culture
  4. Developing a CQ Development Plan
  5. Best Practices to Lead with CQ
  6. Components of a High CQ Culture
  7. Creating a Culture of Inclusion